Saturday, July 24, 2010

In Praise of Loving Kindness Meditation

Vipassana is sometimes a very hard path to follow. It requires being present with what is happening moment to moment, and sometimes what is present is not pleasant. Physical, mental, or emotional pain of one kind or another often present themselves and must be honored and felt. In this way, vipassana is not what you would call a "feel good" practice.

On the other hand, loving kindness meditation, or metta practice, is meant to help us cultivate feelings and qualities that are quite pleasant and easy to live with. When we repeat the phrases of loving kindness practice, such as "May my heart be filled with loving kindness for myself and all beings," or "May I know the peace and ease which is always present in my life," we are inclining the heart toward ourselves or others. We are essentially wishing these things for ourselves or others.

Over time we will come to know the positive, wholesome feelings we are putting voice to, and we actually do feel good.

I enjoy metta practice all the time, while I'm working, driving, dealing with difficult situations or people in my life, or during my formal meditation practice. I find that it can make a real difference in how things unfold for me in that moment. Here are some of the phrases I have developed that have made a difference in my life. I invite you to use these phrases by repeating them to yourself, or to create your own.
May I be filled with loving kindness for myself and all beings.

May I know the peace and ease which is always present in my life.

May I know the happiness which is always present in my life.

May I be released from fear and worry.

May I be released from anger and ill will.

May I be safe from inner and outer harm.

May I know the health and wholeness which is always present in my life.

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